Win or bust: life goals and principles of businessman Alexander Boyko
On the way to achieving the set goals, a person faces many problems and obstacles. Therefore, the plan's successful implementation depends not only on luck and opportunity but also on how a person treats these obstacles: worries and gives up or looks for possible ways out and continues to go forward.
One of these people, who overcomes any obstacles, is a businessman Boyko Alexander Alekseevich, a successful leader, a leader in the industry of Internet technologies in trade, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the B2B-Center.
Boyko was born and raised in the city of Tiraspol, Moldavian SSR. After graduating from the Moscow Forestry Institute in 1986majoring in Forestry Engineering, he worked for three years in a military unit as a civil engineer. The young man did not like working for hire and interacting with numerous bosses. He decided that he needed to develop his own business.
Alexander organized his first business project in 1989 with his classmate. It was a partnership that was engaged in landscape design and landscaping. The project lasted until 2005, although the founder left it in the first year, changing the field of activity. At that time, the sale of household appliances was widespread. An aspiring businessman invested all the money earned at that time in one of these companies. However, the partner acted dishonestly, tried to build his own business on the shared capital. As a result, Alexander Boyko, in 1995, again had to start from scratch. In his opinion, the financial abyss is the deepest. It is possible to fall into it all your life. But the businessman's brain worked all the time. Boyko was looking for options, interrupted by temporary, odd jobs. For example, during this period, he organized a Russian office for a Danish company and provided consulting services.
Once, Alexander accidentally met an old acquaintance who left for the United States and organized Harvard symposia. As a result, our businessmen met with potential investors in the United States. In Russia, there was just no head of the representative office, and Boyko headed it. Thus, the businessman gradually got up and got to know the people who introduced him to a new business - financial recovery and privatization of companies. In 1997, he became vice president of the All-Russian Association of Privatized and Private Enterprises. Then Boyko received his secondary education, graduating in 2003 from the Russian State University for the Humanities, majoring in Economics. In 2004 he got his Ph.D. in Economic Sciences.
Even then, at the beginning of his economic path, Alexander knew that embezzlement must be avoided in order to build a business correctly and efficiently. That is why the B2B-Center appeared in 2002 - a platform where business processes become absolutely open. The project was interesting and did not require capital expenditures. In addition, at that time, the businessman was doing well, and he also received significant support from the shareholders of international funds. However, the development of the project requires users of the system, namely legal entities. Old connections helped: in the 1990s, the entrepreneur collaborated with power engineers. Therefore, Boyko began to bypass the leaders of power systems and offered them to conduct tenders in electronic form. Some enterprises responded and transferred purchases to B2B-Energo (as the electronic platform was initially called). Thus, numerous subsidiaries of RAO UES of Russia became the first customers of the electronic trading system. Then the parent organization itself joined the system.
Everything seemed to work out until RAO UES ceased to exist, which meant that the approach to procurement could have changed at many subsidiaries. So it happened.
In 2005, federal law N94 on public procurement was adopted. In accordance with it, officials were supposed to purchase goods and services at public auctions. B2B-Center immediately reacted and created a "B2G-government procurement" trading system for state and municipal enterprises conducting online auctions. Even the Presidential Property Management Department has become a user of this site. About 7000 participants have registered in the system. The figure is significant, but not for the public sector. Thus, B2B-Center was left overboard. Nevertheless, the public procurement systems of several countries, particularly Brazil, were created with the cooperation of the B2B-Center.
The state was suspicious of the use of Internet technologies. It was a new page in market relations, and it seemed hopeless to support innovations. Moreover, Alexander Boyko, as the founder of the electronic trading system, strove for independence, autonomy, and healthy competition. But almost everyone wanted to regulate the industry, including state corporations and the government.
To keep the B2B Center afloat, the businessman contacted all the oligarchs in our country. If he could not get to the appointment, he asked his acquaintances to arrange a meeting. The oligarchs behaved differently: someone immediately said goodbye, someone was interested, promised to transfer purchases to the Boyko system, but did nothing. Alexander realized that he needed to move away from mono-ownership of the company and attract respected, public partners. However, not all the companies that Alexander Alekseevich contacted refused just like that. Many tried to take advantage of the idea and organize their sites. But all of them were far from the leader of this industry, Boyko; as a result, they returned to him and registered in the B2B-Center.
Gradually, the electronic trading system gained momentum, more and more participants appeared at the auctions, and now the system includes more than 700,000 Russian and foreign companies from various industries. As a result, up to 1,000,000 transactions are made on the platform annually. Moreover, the profits of the company and its leaders make it possible to invest in other priority sectors, create new businesses, and open new companies.
Alexander Boyko is a really significant figure in the field of using Internet technologies in business. Realizing how difficult his path was, how many obstacles he overcame and did not give up, we recognize his leadership and influence in the industry of Internet technologies.
Russian Entrepreneur Alexsander Boyko Created A Unique Electronic Trading System.
Alexander Boyko has several awards, such as Order of Merit in the Field of Informatization from the UN Commission on Informatization; Diplomas of the winner of the E-Commerce and Trade-2004 Conference-Contest in the following categories: The Best Operator of an Electronic Trading Platform, The Best Electronic Trading System, The Best Integrated Solution for Building a Universal E-Commerce and Trade System, The Best Industrial Electronic Trading Platform. He also won the 2nd All-Russian Forum — Exhibition “Goszakaz-2006” in the category “The best electronic trading platform for organizing public procurement.”
Besides being successful in various fields, Alexander Boyko will always be the B2B-Center electronic trading system founder and pioneer in the industry. He became a great role model for many entrepreneurs in Russia and abroad. The very idea of creating a system of this kind arose with the businessman’s son Andrey Boyko. To begin with, they wanted to make bidding transparent and accessible to all enterprises in distress. Even before the B2B Center was launched, 160 sites offered electronic trading platforms. However, they mainly were supplier directories. Then Boyko organized the trading platform according to a set of regulated processes with his colleagues and developers.
In addition to ensuring the transparency of the trading process, B2B-Center also identifies corrupt suppliers. Using a database and electronic signature, potential bidders are checked and stored in a database. Even if shady participants aren’t registered, their data is monitored, the re-registration is impossible. It means they have no way in, and their transactions will be detected and further after not counted.
B2B Center became one of the trusted platforms that helps prevent corruption and any fraudulent activities. Alexander Boyko is leading a very high-tech team, and this team daily works on developing a product that many want to look up to.